Kanabidiol KLINER 20ML sa ukusom voća
Sredstvo za sipiranje i dezinfikovanje usta, unistava bakterije kao i gotovo sve Kanabidiole kao što su CBD i THC i mnogi drugi.
Opis proizvoda: Nas osvezivac daha je inovativno resenje za negu usta i zadaha.U ovoj jedinstvenoj formuli ukombinovani su veoma kvalitetni sastojci ukljucujuci i ulje biljnog porekla , agar gumu i etil alkohola sa dodatkom ukusa i mirisa voća.
Kako se koristi: Jednostavno prsnuti izmedju 6 i 8 puta nakon dobrog muckanja bocice ( preporuceno oko 50-60ml za soguran efekat ).
Dobro prmućkati u ustima oko 30 sekundi , a zatim ispljunti. Nije preporucljivo progutati!
Reaguje nakon 30 sekundi i traje sat vremena.
U slučaju da se radi test proizvoda te vadi bris iz usta kako bi se ustanovilo dal su odredjene bakterije i kanabidiole potrebno je od momenta
upotrebe ne konzumirati bilo kakvu tecnost niti hranu.
Gde drziati KLINER: Drzati na tamnom i mracnom mestu bez svetlosti na sobnoj temperaturi izmedju 4-30c.
Rok trajanja 24 Meseca
NAPOMENA: Proizvod nije namenjen trudnicama kao i osobama mladjim od 18 godina.
Cannabidiol KLINER 20ML with fruit flavor
A mouth rinse and disinfectant, it destroys bacteria as well as almost all Cannabidiols such as CBD and THC and many others.
Product description: Our breath freshener is an innovative solution for oral care and breath freshness. This unique formula combines high-quality ingredients including plant-based oil, agar gum, and ethyl alcohol with the addition of fruit flavor and aroma.
How to use: Simply spray between 6 and 8 times after shaking the bottle well (recommended around 50-60ml for a sure effect). Shake well in the mouth for about 30 seconds, then spit it out. Swallowing is not recommended! It reacts after 30 seconds and lasts for one hour.
In case of testing the product and taking a mouth swab to determine if certain bacteria and cannabinoids are present, it is necessary not to consume any liquids or food from the moment of use.
Where to store KLINER: Keep in a dark and cool place without light at room temperature between 4-30°C.
Shelf life 24 Months
NOTE: The product is not intended for pregnant women or individuals under the age of 18.
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